In Nigeria, a country renowned for its rich and diverse musical heritage, the emergence of new talents is a frequent occurrence. This phenomenon can be attributed to the sheer density of the country’s talent pool. In this musical melting pot, Dapper Music and Entertainment has emerged as a noteworthy player, leveraging its resources and experienced personnel to nurture both present and future stars throughout their careers.

We have our finger firmly on the pulse of the people, always listening with ears to the ground for the next star on the rise. One such artist to catch our keen eye is Reehaa, a rising star whose exceptional talent promises to reshape the music landscape. Her journey in the industry began in 2020 with the release of her debut record, “Suru,” and she has been steadily building a dedicated community of fans ever since.

Reehaa’s music is a tapestry of imaginative songwriting that weaves a narrative so captivating that it transports her listeners into the stories she tells. However, it’s not just her songwriting prowess that sets her apart. Reehaa’s sultry voice has the remarkable ability to stir deep emotions within her audience. This emotional connection is one of the defining aspects of her music, making her relatability one of her strongest attributes.

The artist has graced her fans with a series of remarkable records, including “Top,” “Holding On,” and “Good Energy.” Each of these records, along with others like “Not Enough” and “Yolo”, offers something unique, ensuring that every listener finds comfort in her voice and words. Reehaa’s music has the power to uplift, inspire, and connect with people on a profound level.


What truly sets Reehaa apart is her trajectory towards becoming a prominent voice not only on the national stage but also on the continental and global fronts. Together with Dapper Music and Entertainment, she is poised to carve a significant path to success in the near future. Reehaa’s journey is a testament to the flourishing music scene in Nigeria, where talent meets opportunity, and full potential can be truly actualised. 

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